Corona Virus Update to Service Procedures

Home Care

Corona Virus Updates to Service Procedures

At ruralMED, we strive to maintain rural healthcare within our communities, and are working to do our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Below is an update of what we have changed to provide care to our patients and families through our home care and early development network service lines.

We will keep you up to date on changes of service via our website at and via our Facebook pages.


ruralMED Home Care Resources

Our home care team is taking prevention very seriously to protect our patients. Our staff do daily screening for themselves as well as each patients prior to visits for signs of illness. We are not limiting any nursing visits to hospice patients, unless the facility has closed the doors to hospice staff for their own prevention efforts. To also help protect our patients and our team, our hospice volunteer team are not traveling and visiting patients.

We continue to do our patient visits as normal, and will update you as we continue to work together to keep our communities safe.

For questions, please call us at: 308-995-4375


Early Development Network

Our EDN team works closely with their families and children, and to ensure that our families are kept safe, we have continuing our meetings with them through virtual technologies (phone calls, skype, etc.) instead of our standard in-person meetings. Our team is still taking referrals and doing everything to maintain the level of support they need moving forward.  

We will keep you updated on changes. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 308-398-6567 or call your service coordinator.